Friday, January 23, 2009

Tourist Trap (1979)

Starring Chuck Conners + Tanya Roberts

Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap

More Tourist Trap photos @ Flickr

Download The Tourist Trap Font

Tourist Trap Font
Tourist Trap Font © Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute


  1. It's hard to tell in the still, but there is one LIVE one in the box. So creepy + cool.

    ps. I just emailed you! ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. i've always wanted to see this film. thanks so much for reminding me.

    here's a link to a free image-based font inspired by the mannequins from the movie.

    ...and great still captures as usual.

  3. Oh, Slausen! How I love thee, let me count the ways!

    I'm such a big fan of this picture. It terrified my sister and I to no end. And I feel it's still very effective and even beautiful.

  4. micha - i meant to respond tot hius long ago. i have actually had that tourist trap font for years, but i have yet to use it for anything. but i will one day...

    if you watch the film, be sure to let me know what you think.

  5. meep parker - i totally agree with you!

  6. micha- it's early for me. please forgive typo horror!

  7. I'd like to live with those mannequins; they've seen things.

    It's heartening to see this mannequin-loving film on your blog.

    It's a favorite of mine.

    Good frame captures, too.


  8. dear Phantom of Pulp - Tourist Trap; it's one of my favorites too. And thank you for the compliment on the captures. If only one could make a living doing such, I'd have a pretty good resume I reckon. But alas...

    Anyway, thanks again, and I love your blog too. I will be frequenting it often.

    X O X O

  9. "frequenting it often" - just realized that's a bit redundant. blah.
