Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ghost Walks (1934)

Starring: John Miljan, June Collyer, and Johnny Arthur

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks at IMDB

The Ghost Walks at IMDB

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks

The Ghost Walks


  1. Wonderful addition Rebecca! Love those old paintings with the eyes cut out for spying.

  2. thanks! just went to amazon to pick up some of these movies. appreciate the tips!

  3. Kerry Kate - I got so excited when I saw that part that I made Stephen promise to make me a painting like that - with removable eyes! I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner, as I have always loved that idea. Of course then there's the issue of the hidden room where you look through the eyes, so we decided we will make one of those revolving bookshelves as well that will lead to our secret 'seance room'... Now all we need is to own our own house to do it all in. *sigh*

    Pam - Glad you enjoy the blog! :)

  4. Hi! TOH,
    I have never watched the 1934 film
    The Ghost Walk...Well, not yet, (with yet being the operative word.)
    Thanks, for sharing!
    Great eerie screenshot too!
    DeeDee ;-D

  5. That floating skull makes a great desktop background. Really brightens my work day. Thanks!

  6. Glad to be of service, Phil. ;)

  7. So many elements from The Cat and the Canary, A heroine named Joyce, secret passages, disappearing bodies, escaped lunatics, Sanitarium guards who aren't,...down to the one-liners! If it had been midnight on the bayou with the alligators and the heirs, I'd expect Bob Hope to show up!
