Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Man Who Laughs (1928)

Conrad Veidt, Mary Philbin, Olga Baclanova


  1. Wow! I've never seen that one.I'll have to rent it. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I've heard this movie was the inspiration for Batman's nemesis, The Joker. I'll have to add it to my "must see" list.

  3. That last photo alone inspired me to watch this movie. :-)

  4. This was one of my first Netflix rentals, as I'd heard about it for years and years and never had the opportunity to see it. (Arkansas rental establishments have a remarkably thin selection of silent classics that are not Laurel and Hardy or Buster Keaton, as it turns out.) I was absolutely blown away by this flick--the performances, the sets, the make-up, and the delicious pervasive air of classically powerful gothickry--brilliant all the way round. Highly recommended!

  5. Beautiful! That iron maiden really gets around.

  6. I'm glad I found this blog, as it shares my liking to the wonderful aesthetics of older horror/suspence/surreal/supernatural/art films. This place is like a second home to me. Thanks for posting! :D

