An assortment of Adam Wallacavage's handcrafted octopus chandeliers may be found on his website or at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery website.
Even more interesting are Todd Selby's photographs of Wallacavage's home and workspace.
Even more interesting are Todd Selby's photographs of Wallacavage's home and workspace.

His work is so amazing thanks for posting these!
Yes, these are beautiful!
And Micha - I haven't ignored your last email about the Ouija/Black-Ghost stories... I just haven't written it all out yet.
thanks ladies, i'm glad you approve. i wasn't quite sure if octopus chandeliers could be considered haunted decor. i suppose they are in a category all their own. in mind mind it's along the same lines, though.
no worries rebecca, take all the time you need.
just got blog back up and running. i posted a few pics from Halloween night & other oddites. check it out when you get some time
stay true~
Perfectly incredible, that's what those are.
If they wouldn't fit perfectly into a seaside haunted house, I don't know what would. :)
Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely stunning...both the chandeliers and the photos thereof.
Hauntingly beautiful!
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