Friday, March 6, 2009

The Call of Cthulhu (2005)

Lovecraft in film continues with The Call of Cthulhu adapted from the short story of the same name.

Matt Foyer, Ralph Lucas, David Mersault, Noah Wagner


October Effigies said...

Nice! I remember it coming out a few years back and finally saw it last year. Was pretty good if I remember right. Was just reading it took them 14 months to shoot it.

micha michelle said...

yeah, i liked it. a bit slow in the beginning, but it picks up. the photography + lighting are really beautiful. i especially love the nautical scenes.

the behind the scenes bit made me like it even more. half of it was shot in someone's back yard on a set make of cardboard + glitter. that just makes me smile inside.

Chef Cthulhu said...

I've known about this for a while, but have never seen it. I really should get around to it...

Nicolas said...

I've seen this movie and really enjoyed it
You can buy the DVD at the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society website.

Melanie's Randomness said...

Woa, this looks amazing. I'm inspired. I totally want to see it!