Monday, June 15, 2009

The Changeling (1980)

George C. Scott, Melvyn Douglas


Dirgesinger said...

Yay, superb pictures. Must be a nice film:)

micha michelle said...

kk - this was another film on my future posts list. great job capturing stills.

i really love the seance scene in this film. the quiet tension, the tone of that women's voice... good stuff.

ShellHawk said...

Great film! Great pics!

Vampire Sighs said...

This has to be one of my favorite haunted house flicks. The shots are beautifully framed - architecture seems to be a major fascination throughout. The scene as the camera whirls through the rooms of the house and up the stairs to "the room" is totally scary.

BTW this blog is fantastic!

The Captain said...

Love your blog

Great film, I need to revisit it.

October Effigies said...

Thanks you guys!

James Yonkman said...

I love that movie.

Anonymous said...

Such a creepy film! But also very sad.

db said...

Such a great film: the scene when they play back the tape totally imprinted something in my subconscious, as that's about the time I started messing with tape recorders and making weird sounds. A well under the floorboards of a bedroom -- that's just brilliant. Beautiful stills!

Frank said...

oh hell yes. this movie is scary as hell and i never even noticed the set pieces and mood creating background stuff- thanks!

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing how "The Exorcist" is constantly held up as the most frightening film of all time. It has it's moments, but mostly they're just shocking, not ruly frightening. Whereas "The Changeling" manages to give the viewer real chills. I consider it the most frightening film ever made.

I'll never forget the first time I saw this great film. Scared the wits out of me and my wife. Every time I've shown this film to people there are two reactions: "I can't wait to see it again" and "I can't watch it again. It scared me too badly." High praise.

For a similiar film that offers chills watch (if it can be found) "The Haunting of Julia" with Mia Farrow. I think it's called "Full Circle" in England.

Sandy C. said...

Thanks for posting the pics from this movie! It has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember, and the home featured in the movie is to die for, no pun intended!
Great site, by the way. I'm following you now! :)