Thursday, November 20, 2008

Devil Bat's Daughter (1946)



rebecca said...

So far, this is my favorite of all the Obscure Hollow posts. I LOVE this!!!!

October Effigies said...

Hey thanks! I did these quite quick while working yesterday and feel I missed a lot. Glad they turned out ok :)

micha michelle said...

i wonder how man horror films have creepy shots of scissors? beautiful stills. i love the sequencing, it's quite a nice little narrative.

Cindy M said...

Cool! I especially like the 2nd frame (title on the small book), lol.

Adam said...

"How I Know That the Dead Return" is an actual book (it can be read through Google books). This movie is absolutely spellbinding for reasons I can't quite articulate. Lovely blog, by the way.

October Effigies said...

Thanks folks! And thanks Adam for the heads up on google books. Will find that asap. I'm glad that you are enjoying our blog!!